

We are located in Manjimup in the centre of the South West of Western Australia, the only place on earth where these wonderful trees grow naturally. All of our timbers and burls have been sourced locally from surrounding private properties and forests managed by The Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC*) between 1992 and 2004.

All of the timbers and burls have been sourced locally from private properties, windfalls (storm damage), dead and dying (ring-barked from stock) and fence clearing etc. Logs and burls are also sourced through FPC (Forest Products Commission) auctions.

The time has now come to open the shed doors and make all of this unique hardwood available to the craftsmen around the world. All of our slabs and burls are available as “raw” timber or “surfaced”, ready for you to make that special piece of West Australian hardwood furniture.

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